Saturday, March 29, 2008

Love's Not There Anymore.....

when a relationship ended, both parties should have the last say on everything. sometimes, some of them would even consider giving it another try. unless there's options left and if it's not then maybe it's time to say goodbye. but for some, letting go was never an option. they are willing to go an extra mile to save their relationship rather than to just say goodbye. some even willing to endure a great deal of physical pain thus it could make them emotionally unstable. i know, some things are not as easy as it seems. there's more to it than what meets the eye. i know it's hard to let go, cos i've been there myself. it was never easy to say 'its over'. life was never being fair. when they stop loving us and it was so hard to bear, maybe its good to just pack up and leave....

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