Tuesday, January 8, 2008

a lesson to learn....

i learned some valuable lessons yesterday. even how careful we planned our life, sometimes fate can intervene and just change the course of it or maybe delay it for a while. i had my share of experience just yesterday. who can believe in just one day we already learned so much about some things that we don’t really pay attention before. It’s not always something big but more of those little ones. Due to my carelessness, I accidentally hit a pole which was purposely put in front of this bike
dealership in gadong to prevent anyone to park their cars there. Lucky for me, it only dent my car a bit and left yellow paint on my front bumper which means I only have to polish it just to remove the paint. Which was supposed to be a quick meeting with the bike dealer became an hour wait at the workshop just to get my car fixed. Aih..silly me…

but a friend once said, even how bad your day started, you’ll get something good out of it at the end or something more meaningful are yet to come. That’s what happen to me, I won’t elaborate much on the details because I think it’s best to keep it sealed and just for myself but lets just say it did make my day better plus I got to learn something new about someone, all the small things but yet precious. I’m not making any sense am I? oh well…still evaluating……

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