Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fight, in the name of something...

how far would we go and fight for something that we felt worth it? are we willing to sacrifice everything that we had and just pursue that one thing in life? i often questioned myself, if one day i was in that shoes will i be able to fight just for the sake of pursuing my own true happiness. will i be brave enough to defy the odds and came out a winner? at the moment, i don't have the answer for that question. honestly, i'm still doing some soul searching at the moment. the last few weeks has been an eye opener. even how observant i am to others, i am ignorant to my own true self. i often said, fight for something if its worth it or show how much we cared but how ashamed, i don't really apply the rules myself. i don't know what stops me from doing so, it's my pride i guess. oh well, shame on me. hmm..maybe one of these days...

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