Tuesday, December 8, 2009

There's No Place Like Home..

on 1st dec 09, mark my 6th month opening my shop at Delima Jaya Complex. it was something that i would never expect to achieve as it involves lots of sweat, determination, courage, a little bit of luck, a good partner and above all a pray, that things will go as planned. unfortunately, things won't always be smooth all the way. few months down the road, some things gone awry. our whole load of stocks was nowhere to be seen due to someone's unrespectable 'business ethics'. lots of problems arises from there and just gives us lots and lots of headaches. and to add to the injury, i lost my beloved grandma due to stroke just few days after. out of the sudden my life came crashing down. i don't even know where to begin picking up what's left of it. luckily i have a family and a very dear someone who help me get back on my feet. tonight, on this day i decided to close down the shop that brings me a lot of memories and move to a new premise. we have to start back from one, and hopefully this time it will bring a lot of success and luck to both of us and may our dreams came true..Insya Allah

Praise To The ONE..

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