Friday, November 21, 2008

Rainy Days...

life is unpredictable, the minute we felt comfortable and just felt like we want to put our feet on the ground, somethings will happen to change it. nothing is for sure anymore. like what i used to say, fate always has a way to intervene in human best laid plans. this things is inevitable, something that we could never prevent. the only thing that we could do is have faith. changes are not always bad, sometimes it helps us to see the the other side of life that we refuse to see. it could also be a wake up call for us. some things happen for a reason, that i agree. we just hope and pray, good things will come for us. if we only just believe...



zoro said...

hy ka yana.. how r u coping wid seria so far? hup everyting ok.. nways tek care!

ANIH said...

Yeah yeah sistah.. I agreed wit dat. Its jst dat, now im handling wit a very complicated situation, some prblms.. Sumthn happened 2 me.. Coincidence-ly *luruskh 2* yg nobody knows, only god knows n most of all da prblem dat i've created! N its kinda pengajaran 2 me n cubaan tuhan..
And now let me handle it my kinda stress, drowning n feels like i wanna fly frm evrythng n try 2 find maself.. Bt sumthn yg stop me frm doin it.. My 3 bundle of joys.. Hazim, hakim n aiman..

I need strength..